All Our Worlds: Diverse Fantastic Fiction

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1 book by Dominica Malcolm (editor)

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by Dominica Malcolm (editor)
In an anthology that spans from India in the west to Hawai‘i in the east, and as far south as Australia and New Zealand, 24 authors bring you an exciting range of tales set in the past, present, and future. Discover characters like the Moon Rabbit from Chinese mythology, a kitsune from Japanese mythology, and the aswang from Filipino mythology. Find out what arises when a struggling Malaysian student seeks help for her studies in Chinatown, and what happens when the garbage in the Pacific Ocean is seen as a valuable treasure. Futures imagined stretch from amazing advances in technology to depressing dystopias. Read these stories and so many more in Amok: An Anthology of Asia-Pacific Speculative Fiction.
Anthology of Asia-Pacific spec fic
setting,, race Asia-Pacific, South Asian, Southeast Asian, East Asian, Indigenous 2014 YA

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